Installation View and Performance Setting of Vivan Sundaram's Meanings of Failed Action: Insurrection 1946 Credit: Geerish GV
17 - 25 March, 2017
Meanings of Failed Action: Insurrection 1946 is a monumental installation intended as a work of public art to explore, dissect, and examine the “failure” of the Royal Indian Navy’s six-day insurrection against the colonial government. Within Sundaram’s ship-like steel and aluminum object is a performance space that plays a sound work by British artist David Chapman. Visitors can read newspaper reports, telegrams from the Empire, and books on the Insurrection from various view points and distances— compiled and conceptualized by Ashish Rajadhyaksha with Valentina Vitalli. This is a continuation of Sundaram’s “history projects” in which he uses historical events (“unresolved histories”) to explore their impact and the alternate futures they could have created.
Link to Event (Link)
Vivan Sundaram and Ashish Rajadhyaksha: Meanings of Failed Action: Insurrection 1946
Coomarswamy Hall, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (CSMVS)