Osamu James Nakagawa, No. 17 Morning Light, Bloomington, Indiana. Spring 1999.
October 13th - November 16th, 2017
Osamu James Nakagawa's work will be on view at A Shared Elegy at the Grunwald Gallery, Indiana University Bloomington, in conjunction with the IU Eskenazi Museum of Art. A 112-page book accompanying the exhibition will be published and distributed through Indiana University Press.
A Shared Elegy presents the work of four photographers connected by family ties. Osamu James Nakagawa and his uncle, Takayuki Ogawa, and Elijah Gowin and his father, Emmet Gowin, present unique but overlapping visions recording family histories.
Link to Event (Link)
Grunwald Gallery, Indiana University
IU Eskenazi Museum of Art